How to add your CV to LinkedIn


In today’s competitive job market, having a strong presence on LinkedIn can significantly enhance your professional opportunities. By adding your CV to LinkedIn, you can showcase your qualifications to potential employers and network connections.

Including your CV on LinkedIn makes it easily accessible to recruiters, hiring managers, and potential employers who may be searching for candidates with your qualifications. This increases your visibility and enhances your chances of being discovered for relevant job opportunities.

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Plus, some employers allow candidates to apply for jobs directly through LinkedIn. Having your CV readily available on your profile streamlines the application process, making it convenient for you to apply to relevant job postings with just a few clicks.

How to add your CV to your LinkedIn profile

Access your profile

Once logged in, click on the “Me” icon at the top of the LinkedIn homepage. From the dropdown menu, select “View Profile” to access your profile page.

Click on “Add Profile Section”

On your profile page, you’ll see various sections such as “About,” “Experience,” “Education,” and more. Scroll down to find the “Featured” section and click on the “Add profile section” button next to it.

Select “Media” and upload your CV

From the dropdown menu that appears, choose “Media” to add external documents or links to your profile. Click on the “+” icon and select “Upload File” to upload your CV from your computer.

Customize your CV title and description

Once your CV is uploaded, LinkedIn will display it under the “Featured” section of your profile. You can customize the title and description to provide context for visitors viewing your profile.

Save changes

After customizing the title and description, click on the “Apply” button to save your changes. Your CV will now be visible to anyone visiting your LinkedIn profile.

Regularly update your CV

It’s important to keep your CV up to date with your latest experiences, skills, and achievements. Periodically review and update your CV on LinkedIn to ensure it accurately reflects your professional journey.

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