How to accept a job offer over the phone


At the completion of the interview process, an employer may contact you by phone to offer you the job. Depending on the size of the organisation it may be your new manager contacting you or somebody from the recruitment team. 

Receiving a job offer over the phone is likely to be very exciting but also overwhelming. You will also likely be given lots of information about your new role and company. Knowing what to expect and how to respond can help you stay calm and create the right impression. 

Here is how to accept a job offer over the phone:

Thank the employer

Start by thanking the employer for the job offer and for contacting you. Express your appreciation for the opportunity and let them know that you are excited to join their team.

Confirm the offer details

Make sure you understand the terms of the job offer, including the start date, salary, benefits, and any other details. The person contacting you will likely explain the key information to you over the phone (try to take notes if you can). Be sure to ask any questions you may have or seek clarity about anything you are unsure of. 

Remember, you may wish to ask for the details in writing before confirming your acceptance (more on this later). 

Accept the offer or ask for time to think about it

If you are happy with the terms of the offer, let the employer know that you are accepting the job. You can say something like “I am excited to accept this job offer” or “I would love to join your team”. 

If you are unsure of the terms or would like some time to think about it you can ask for time to consider the offer. You may wish to wait until you have everything in writing before accepting which is absolutely fine. When asking for more time make sure you demonstrate your interest in the company and your enthusiasm for your new role. 

More Like This: How to professionally decline a job offer

Ask for the next steps

Ask the employer what the next steps are in the hiring process. They may ask you to sign a contract or provide additional information, so make sure you understand what is required of you. You may need to send them copies of your ID or proof of any qualifications. 

Follow up in writing

After you have accepted the job offer over the phone, ask the employer to follow up with an email or letter to confirm your offer (most usually do this anyway). This will serve as a written record of your agreement and can help avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

Remember to remain professional and courteous throughout the conversation. Accepting a job offer is an important decision, so take your time to consider the terms and make sure it is the right choice for you.

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