Starting a new job is an exciting time and it’s understandable you will be eager to create a good first impression. Here are some tips for having a successful first day in a new job.
Plan your journey
Unless you are working from home you’ll need to think about your commute to work. How will you travel to work each day? Will you drive, get the bus or train, walk or get a lift from someone? How long will it take you to get there? If you are using public transport which bus or train will you catch and when? Be mindful of delays or cancellations with public transport and how this will affect you.
Plan your outfit
Nothing worse than trying to get ready in the morning and not being able to find anything to wear. Decide what you are going to wear at least the day before (probably a few days before) and make sure it’s clean and pressed. Find out about the company‘s dress code beforehand and use this as a guide. Have a look on the company website or social media channels to see what other people are wearing.
If you need to wear a uniform for work your company will likely provide you with this.
Research the company and your job (again)
Whilst you will probably have done this as part of your interview preparation it is a good idea to re-familiarise yourself with the company. Make sure you understand exactly what it is the company does, what countries it operates in, who the main competitors are and the culture and values.
Arrive on time
The last thing you want to do is turn up late on your first day of a new job. It is always a good idea to leave earlier than usual on your first day to ensure you get there on time. If you arrive far too early you can always grab a coffee whilst you wait. As you become more comfortable and familiar with the commute you can adjust your timings. If you’re working from home make sure you log on when you’re supposed to. You will have been sent instructions on what to do on your first day and will likely have been given a company laptop and phone.
Get to know people
Whilst there are likely to be formal introductions made during induction make the effort to get to know as many of your new coworkers as possible. This shows that you have a friendly and positive attitude and that you are eager to fit in.Â
It may be helpful to prepare a short elevator pitch about yourself for when you are introduced to people. This should be a very brief speech (no more than a minute) about your previous employment, education and your new role.

Ask questions
When starting a new job you are bound to have many questions, some you may have had before you started and those you may have thought of over the course of your first day. Your new employer will expect you to have some questions and they will likely invite you to ask them at a time. Asking questions reiterates your interest in your new role and demonstrates your willingness to learn.
Your first day in a new job is a very exciting never wracking time. Regardless of how the day went always try to end an appositive. Even if you encounter issues remember it’s only your first day. It will take time to adjust and you will learn more and more each day.
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