Etiquette when using LinkedIn


Maintaining proper etiquette on LinkedIn is crucial for building and nurturing professional relationships. LinkedIn is often one of the first places people look when researching professionals. Therefore, your behaviour on LinkedIn reflects your professionalism and can shape your reputation in your industry. Demonstrating good etiquette can help you gain respect and credibility among your peers and colleagues.

Here is some important etiquette when using LinkedIn:

Complete your profile

Ensure your profile is complete and up-to-date with a professional photo, headline, summary, and relevant work experience. A well-crafted profile reflects positively on you.

However, you should ensure you keep personal information private. LinkedIn is a professional network, so avoid sharing sensitive personal information such as your home address or personal phone number.

Personalize connection requests

When sending connection requests, include a personalized message explaining why you’d like to connect. Avoid generic or automated connection requests.

Be selective with connection requests. It’s not necessary to accept every request. Connect with individuals who align with your professional goals.

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Engage thoughtfully and professionally

Share content that is relevant to your professional network. Avoid oversharing or posting overly personal content. When commenting on or liking posts, offer thoughtful insights and constructive feedback. Avoid spammy or self-promotional comments.

If someone sends you a message or an InMail, respond in a timely manner. It demonstrates professionalism and courtesy.

Endorsements and recommendations

Use endorsements and recommendations judiciously. Only endorse skills you can vouch for, and provide sincere and specific recommendations. When someone helps you, endorses your skills, or writes a recommendation, express your gratitude with a thank-you message.

Group participation

Engage in LinkedIn groups by contributing to discussions and sharing valuable insights. Avoid self-promotion within groups.

Remember, engaging with others in a polite and respectful manner can lead to valuable learning opportunities, exposure to new ideas, and access to industry insights that can contribute to your professional growth.

Be polite and professional

Maintain a respectful and professional tone in all your interactions. Avoid negative or confrontational comments, even if you disagree with someone.

Respect the privacy settings of others. If someone doesn’t accept your connection request or follow-up message, don’t push or send multiple requests.

Respect LinkedIn’s guidelines

Familiarize yourself with LinkedIn’s terms of service and community guidelines to ensure you’re using the platform correctly. Violating these rules can lead to restrictions on your account or even suspension.

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