Consumer Rights Act 2015: Does it apply to services?


The Consumer Rights Act 2015 is not just limited to goods. It also sets out standards for services supplied by a trader and potential solutions in the event services provided do not conform to these standards. 

What is a service? 

A service can be described as work carried out either in your home or somewhere else. For example, getting a new haircut, having some repair work done to your house or getting your car repaired would all be classed as a service. 

What are the standards for services as set out by the Consumer Rights Act 2015?

  • The service must be performed with reasonable care and skill. This means the service provider must look after you and your property and be able to do what they say they are capable of. 
  • Unless a specific timeframe is agreed in advance with the trader, the service must be completed within reasonable time. 
  • If you do not agree a price beforehand, the service must be carried out for a reasonable price. For example, if you receive an estimated price of £100 but the work ends up costing £500, the service provider must be able to justify the increased price. 
  • Information that is provided to you either verbally or in writing is legally binding if you rely on this information when agreeing to the service. 

What are the remedies if a service falls short of these standards?

Let’s say you hire a builder to install a new kitchen. A week after the builder has finished, some of the cupboard doors fall off and the paint starts to peel away. Clearly, the service has not been provided with reasonable care and skill thus you would be entitled to a form of remedy. 

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 sets out the following solutions as possible remedies in the event that services provided do not meet the required standard: 

  • The trader should either redo the parts that are faulty or completely redo the entire service at no extra cost to you. This should be done within a reasonable length of time and without causing you inconvenience. 
  • If redoing the work is not possible, cannot be done within a reasonable time or without causing you significant inconvenience you are entitled to a reduction in price. The reduction in price would depend on the severity of the faults but could be up to 100%. Once the trader has agreed to provide you with a refund you must receive this within 14 days.