Coffee Shop Studying Etiquette


All students will understand the importance of finding the ideal place to study. For some students, this could be at home, in the library, in a private study room or somewhere on campus. However, for many students spending a couple of hours studying often involves a visit to a coffee shop.

This guide will take you through some important coffee shop studying etiquette.

Be nice to the staff

Be nice to the staff working in the coffee shop. Remember, the baristas make your drink, prepare the food, clean the shop (and the table you sit at and the cup you drink from), start work very early and finish late and work long shifts so you can enjoy your coffee. Be kind and respectful.

This should be the same for any shop or hospitality venue you visit whether you are a student or not. 

Be sure to make up your mind about what you are going to order before you reach the front of the queue. If you have a loyalty card or discount voucher have this ready. 

Don’t stay all day  

Do not purchase one drink and spend several hours nursing it. If you are planning to spend a couple of hours at the coffee shop please purchase more than one drink. Some shops are known to move people on if it is very busy and they have finished their drink. 

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Respect other customers 

Try to avoid taking up a table that is designed for more than one person all by yourself if you are on your own. If it is the only table available allow other customers to use the other seat. If you are seated at a shared table do not take up the entire space. There is nothing worse than one person spreading all of their belongings over a table designed for six people. 

Also, don’t hog the power outlets. Only a few tables are near the charging points and those who frequent coffee shops regularly will know these tables are the most sought after. If your laptop or phone has ample battery left make way for other customers who need to charge their phones. 

If you are planning to spend a lot of your time studying in coffee shops you may wish to consider purchasing a portable charger that can be used for a period of time without needing to be plugged in. 

Make sure your work is suitable for a coffee shop 

A coffee shop is not appropriate for every type of work. If you are writing an essay, reading a textbook, preparing seminar work or studying quietly then a coffee shop can be the perfect environment for some people (others may prefer the library or at home). 

However, if you are taking part in a seminar where you need to talk, having a virtual meeting with your study group or even creating a presentation with audio, a coffee shop may not be the best place. Remember, other customers may not necessarily want to hear about your upcoming exam or group presentation. 

So if your study plan for the day involves lots of calls it may be best to stay at home  (or book a private study room on campus). 

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