As you begin your move to the senior years of your school life you will need to choose school subject options. This is when you are given the choice of which subjects you would like to study and sit examinations in. It is a very important decision as this will likely have an impact on what you will do when you leave school.
Every school is different in terms of subject offering and how you make these decisions. The majority of schools will provide you with a form to complete with various options. It is likely you will be asked to indicate a second or third choice in case your first choice is not available. Make sure you put as much thought into your second and third choice and be prepared to take these subjects if needs be.
Schools may have an information afternoon or evening to explain the process of choosing your options and allow you to speak to subject teachers. This is a good opportunity to learn more about the subject, any assessments, what you will learn and to ask questions.
You may also be given an opportunity to discuss your school subject options with a pastoral care teacher, year head or careers advisor. Some schools refer to this as an ‘Options Interview’ and you may be allowed to have your parent/guardian in attendance.
Top tips for choosing your school subject options
- Do not choose a subject simply because you enjoy it, your friend is also choosing it or you like the teacher. Enjoying a subject is important however it should not be the sole reason for choosing it.
- Check university/college/apprenticeship/employment requirements. You can find this information on their websites or if you attend one of their open days this is something you can ask.
- If you are planning to seek employment straight from school, check with local employers to see if they have any recommendations. Some businesses with dedicated school leaver programmes may offer this information on their website.
- Think to yourself “What am I good at?” or “What subjects do I do well in?”
- Make sure you fully understand what each subject will cover. Ask your school or perhaps even talk to senior pupils who have studied it already.
- Talk to your school’s career advisor about various career options and what subjects you may wish to take.
- You should also talk through your choices with a parent/guardian, family member, friend or trusted adult.

What if I am unsure what I wish to do when I leave school?
Some pupils may not have decided what career path they wish to take. Others may have several ideas but are unsure which one to choose. If this is the case, try to choose a good balance of subjects. This means you can keep your options open.
What if I am not assigned my first choice and I need the subject for my future i.e admission to further/higher education or job requirements?
Unfortunately, it may not be possible to guarantee everyone their first choice. There could be many reasons for this such as high demand or limited class size. Some schools may tell you in advance if you have not been allocated your first choice. If they do, you should talk to your pastoral care teacher or year head. Although you may wish to speak for yourself, it may be worthwhile asking your parents/carers to contact the school as well on your behalf.
There may be other ways for you to take the subject. Some schools partner up with other schools nearby so you may be offered the opportunity to study the subject at another school. Remember this will mean travelling there, possibly on your own, and not all schools will cover the cost of travel expenses. On the plus side, this is a chance to meet new people and experience different learning and teaching strategies.
Depending on what year you are in you may be able to take the subject in future years. If this is the case, talk to your school about securing a place.
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