Student Monthly Planner Free PDF Printable
0Keep track of your university and college studying, assignments, seminar/tutorial work and lectures with this free PDF printable student monthly planner. Follow us on Twitter @BeInTheKnow_UK
Keep track of your university and college studying, assignments, seminar/tutorial work and lectures with this free PDF printable student monthly planner. Follow us on Twitter @BeInTheKnow_UK
As part of your final year as an undergraduate, you may have to write a thesis explaining your research. Master’s and PhD students will also be...
Gemma is a 3rd-year business management student in Edinburgh. Why did you decide to study business management? It was my favourite subject when I was in...
Finding out that your next assessment will be an open book exam must sound like music to a student’s ears. After all, every piece of information...
A huge part of your UCAS application is the personal statement. This is your chance to explain to your chosen universities why they should offer you...
Staff at 58 UK universities are to go on strike between the 1st and 3rd of December due to a dispute over pay and conditions. Whilst...
As well as accessing your core textbooks the library is a great place to study or work on assignments either alone or as part of a...
Moving away to uni is one of the most exciting times in your life. Having your own flat, meeting new people and looking after yourself is...
Keep track of uni assignments and make sure each student carries out their assigned tasks with this assignment schedule Uni/college assignments typically involve splitting the work...
Do you live in student accommodation? Are you and your flatmates squabbling over the chores? Keep track of who is doing what and make sure everyone...