Benefits of learning a new language


Learning a new language is very easy (and fun) to do. If you haven’t already why not read Be In The Know’s guide to learning a foreign language?

There are many reasons to start learning a new language and you can read some of them here:

Communicate with more people

Being bilingual or even multilingual allows you to speak with lots more people. You will be able to connect with people in many different countries across the world and forge new friendships.

The experience of visiting a foreign country is so much more exciting if you can speak the language.

Help your career prospects

Language skills look great on your CV and are one of the best ways to help you stand out from the crowd when applying for a job. There are lots of jobs out there that list the ability to speak a second language as one of the desired skills in applicants. Some jobs even require the ability to speak a second language. This is because so many businesses have offices, employees, contractors or even customers based in other countries and being able to interact with them is important.

Helps you become better at multitasking

Research indicates that people who can speak more than one language are better at multitasking as switching between two or more languages can help you become better at juggling several tasks at once. This is because switching between tasks can be quite difficult for our brains thus people with experience jumping between several languages will be used to moving from thing to the other.

Keeps your brain healthy

The best way to keep your brain healthy is to exercise it. Like other muscles in your body your brain can stay healthy with exercise. Learning new things is a great way to exercise your brain and keep it active.

Helps you understand your own language better

Learning a new language can help you appreciate your native language better. As you start to master a new language you will soon become more aware of your own language including grammar, pronunciation, proper sentence structure and vocabulary. As a result, you could become a better speaker of your own language.