How to make the most of your time in high school


You do not have to be the class brain box to make the most of your time as a school pupil. Remember the years you spend at school will certainly influence the rest of your life. So please use this time sensibly and be the best you can be. 

Here are my tips for making the most of your time in high school. 

Apply yourself. Study hard, put the effort into your school work and try your best at everything you are being asked to do. 

Take part in extracurricular activities. Schools have many opportunities for extracurricular activities such as clubs, sports teams, school committees, community projects or leadership opportunities I.e head pupil or school captain. These are really good to get involved with as it gives you something to write about on your CV or applications for university/college. Plus you can get to know people you may not usually spend time with and learn new skills. 

Look for new opportunities. Take advantage of opportunities to learn new skills and experience new things. This will be incredibly beneficial when you write your CV and begin applying for jobs or places in further/higher education.

Be a positive role model for younger pupils. We all remember our first day of high school and how nerve-wracking this can be. Set a positive example for younger pupils, help them if they are lost or unsure of something and be someone they look up to. Please don’t be the person who thinks it is funny to give new pupils wrong directions or start rumours of heads being flushed down toilets. It’s not cool. 

Don’t be the class clown. Ok so it may seem funny at the time but trust me it is not a good idea. Not only will you look back and regret behaving like a fool but this is how others will remember you. Remember your teachers may be asked to write a reference for you as part of a job, university or college application. Help them something positive to write about you.

Don’t be the school bully. Bullying is not nice and sometimes bullying behaviour may be classed as a crime. Plus the effects this will have on the victim are horrible. Being bullied can cause low self-esteem, anxiety, worry and can lead to serious mental health problems. If you are caught bullying someone you are likely to land yourself in a lot of trouble (possibly even exclusion and police involvement). Please please do not be a bully.