Questions to ask academic staff at a university open day


University open days are a fantastic opportunity to explore potential institutions and gain insights into academic programs. One of the most valuable resources during these events is the academic staff. They are not only experts in their fields, but they also understand the ins and outs of the course structure, the learning experience, and what it’s like to be part of the academic community. Knowing what to ask them can help you make an informed decision about where and what to study. Here are some of the best questions to ask academic staff at a university open day.

What does the course structure look like?

Understanding the structure of your course is crucial because every university organizes its degrees differently. Ask the academic staff how the course is structured, including:

  • How are modules or units organized?
  • What is the balance between lectures, seminars, and practical work?
  • Are there any compulsory modules, and how much choice do students have in selecting their areas of focus?
  • Is there a dissertation or final project, and what kind of support is offered for this?

This question will give you insight into how the degree unfolds over the years, allowing you to consider how it fits with your learning style.

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How is the course assessed?

Assessment methods can vary greatly between courses and institutions. Some students thrive on coursework and essays, while others prefer exams. Asking about assessment can help you gauge whether the course aligns with your strengths. Find out:

  • What’s the balance between exams, coursework, and practical assessments? • Are there presentations, group projects, or portfolio work?
  • How often are students assessed, and is there formative feedback to help improve before final assessments?

What opportunities are there for research and independent study?

Research is a key component of many university programs, especially in the later stages. If you’re someone who enjoys independent study and research, it’s important to know how much of it you’ll be able to do. Ask:

  • At what stage in the degree can students get involved in research?
  • Is there an opportunity to collaborate with academic staff on research projects?
  • Are there any notable research areas the department focuses on?

This will help you understand how intellectually stimulating the environment is and how much freedom you’ll have to explore topics of personal interest.

What career paths do graduates from this course typically pursue?

It’s important to have a sense of where your degree could take you after graduation. While academic staff may not be career advisors, they usually have a good idea of where their students end up. Ask:

  • What kinds of careers do graduates from this course go into?
  • Are there opportunities for internships or work placements during the degree?
  • Does the department have connections with industries or professional bodies?

This will give you insight into how the degree prepares students for the job market and what kind of support is available for transitioning into a career.

What kind of academic support is available to students?

University can be a challenging time, especially when adapting to a new level of academic rigor. Ask about the support systems in place for students:

  • Are there tutorials or office hours where students can get extra help?
  • What resources are available for academic skills development (e.g., writing, research, time management)?
  • How approachable are the lecturers and tutors?

This question will help you gauge how supportive the academic staff are and whether the institution has a culture of student-centered learning.

What are the class sizes like?

Class sizes can vary depending on the course and the year of study. Some students thrive in large lectures, while others prefer more intimate seminar groups. Ask:

  • What is the typical class size for lectures and seminars?
  • Are there opportunities for one-on-one interaction with academic staff?
  • Does the class size change as the course progresses?

Understanding the learning environment will help you assess whether it suits your preferred style of learning.

Are there opportunities for studying abroad or placements?

Many universities offer opportunities for students to study abroad or engage in placements as part of their degree. If this is something you’re interested in, ask:

  • Is there a year abroad or placement option in the course?
  • What kind of partnerships or exchange programs does the university have?
  • How does taking time abroad or on placement affect the overall course structure?

This can provide you with enriching experiences and improve your employability, so it’s worth knowing how well-integrated these opportunities are.

What distinguishes this course from similar programs at other universities?

Every university likes to think their course offers something special. Asking this question gives academic staff the chance to showcase what sets their program apart. They might highlight unique modules, a particularly strong research focus, or links with industry. This can help you decide between similar courses at different universities.

How is technology and online learning integrated into the course?

In today’s digital age, many universities are adopting blended learning approaches, using technology to enhance traditional face-to-face teaching. Ask:

  • Are there online resources or platforms that students are expected to use?
  • How is technology integrated into lectures, seminars, or lab work?
  • Can students access recorded lectures or participate in online discussions?

Understanding how digitally forward-thinking the course is can be important, especially if you prefer flexibility in your learning.

What is the social and academic community like?

Being part of a vibrant community is an important aspect of university life. Academic staff can give you insights into how the department fosters a sense of community. Ask:

  • Are there student societies or academic clubs associated with the course?
  • Are there regular events, guest lectures, or networking opportunities?
  • How does the department engage with its students outside of lectures?

This question can help you gauge whether the university offers a holistic experience, where students feel connected to their peers and academic staff.

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