Good questions to ask before accepting a job offer


Receiving a job offer is a very exciting time particularly after going through the hiring process. When the hiring manager contacts you to offer you the job it is a good idea to ask some questions to ensure you fully understand the offer and what to expect. This will help you be 100% certain that this new role is right for you. 

It is likely you will receive lots of information as part of your offer including salary, benefits, holiday entitlement etc. If you are unsure of anything be sure to ask before formally accepting. 

More Like This: What to expect when you receive a job offer

Here are some good questions to ask before accepting a job offer: 

  • When do you need my response?
  • When is my start date? 
  • What does the onboarding process look like?
  • Is there any negotiation on the salary?
  • Who will my line manager be? 
  • Will I have the opportunity to meet my manager/co-workers before I start?
  • What will be the first priorities for me when starting this role? 
  • What projects are the team currently working on?
  • Will I receive any initial training? 
  • Is there any information you need from me?

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