Free things you can get as a student


Arguably one of the best perks about being a student (aside from earning a degree) is the number of freebies on offer for students. It’s perfectly understandable that being a student can be expensive. Thankfully there are a number of free things you can get as a student either from your university or other places. 

Don’t forget there’s also your student discount you can take advantage of. 

Free software 

Almost every university provides access to software such as Microsoft Office which students can download to their own personal devices. Check with your university IT services for guidance about what software is available and how you can install this on your own laptop. You may also be able to access specialist software using university computers on campus. 

Freebies at fresher’s week 

As well as finding out about the societies, clubs and activities on offer for students, fresher’s week is also a chance to grab some freebies. Some of the free stuff usually available at fresher’s week includes stationery, food & drink, vouchers, mugs, USB sticks, tote bags, and water bottles – the list is endless. 

The good news is fresher’s week is not limited to first-year students. There is nothing stopping students in their second, third or even final year from visiting the stalls to see what they are handing out. 

Free access to books and journals

The university library has so many free resources available for students including books, journals, newspapers, magazines, audiobooks and software. Plus, many books and journals now have online copies meaning you can read them on your laptop, tablet or phone. Before purchasing a new or second-hand copy of textbooks be sure to check whether you can borrow a copy from the library (or access it online). Read more about cheaper university textbooks here. 

If there is a book you need access to but is not available from your library you may be able to request it. Some university libraries allow students to submit requests for new books and others may be able to borrow them from another university. 

Free subscriptions to newspapers and magazines

As well as a library full of free-to-access books, journals and other resources you may also be able to access a free subscription to newspapers or magazines. You will likely need to sign up using your university email address or through your university library. 

Free printing

Many universities allocate each student a print allowance each academic year. A small amount of print credit, usually around £10, will be added to your student account at the start of each year. This is funded by the university so you don’t need to pay this back.

Free access to university services and facilities 

Universities and college campuses will have lots of student facilities available including the library, study spaces, IT suites and meeting rooms/study rooms. There may also be free services available for students to use such as a careers service, academic tutoring service, student advice service and perhaps even a counselling/mental health support service. 

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