Attending a careers fair


A careers fair is when organisations and recruiters meet with potential employees to share career opportunities. Careers fairs are an opportunity to speak to several different employers at once. They are usually held in large halls where recruiters will set up an information stand with representatives from the organisation there to talk to people and answer questions. Careers fairs are often organised by universities, colleges, schools, local authorities or charities. As well as providing an opportunity to talk to employers, careers fairs may also offer workshops on CV writing, interview strategies and other employability skills. They may also offer industry-related talks or presentations from employers. 

Attending a careers fair can be beneficial if you are searching for a job or if you are unsure of which career path you wish to follow. The recruiters can offer an insight into what it is like working in a particular industry and what you can do at their organisation. Talking to people from various organisations and asking questions can help you make an informed choice about your future career. 

So here are some tips for making the most of your time at a career fair. 

Plan your visit

Quite often you will be told in advance which employers will be exhibiting. If you are lucky they will publish a floor plan showing you where everyone will be. Come up with a plan for your visit beforehand so you make the most of your time. Make a list of the employers you would like to speak to and find out where they will be.

Remember, you should still speak to all of the organisations at the event and not just the ones that most interest you. You may just discover a career opportunity that you are interested in or meet someone who could be a helpful contact in the future. 

Prepare a list of questions 

A careers fair is a great opportunity to speak directly to representatives from the company. This is usually someone from the recruitment team or the marketing or human resources team. Prepare some questions in advance so you know exactly what you wish to speak to them about. For instance, you could ask about the graduate scheme, summer internships, job openings, application process or interview tips.

Example questions:

  • Do you offer internships or a graduate programme?
  • What is the application process like? 
  • What do you like about working for [name of company]?
  • Are there opportunities for career development?
  • Who can I follow up with about these advertised roles?
  • What is the organisational culture like here?
  • Who can I contact if I have more questions?

More Like This: How to email your CV to an employer

Gather leaflets and brochures 

Employers will have an exhibition stand with leaflets, brochures, information posters plus some freebies such as pens, key rings or even sweets (if you’re lucky). Gather as many of these as you can as these are useful to take away and read over. You’ll likely be overwhelmed with so much information during the day so it’s good to have some leaflets to refer back to. These could contain useful details about deadlines for applying, an overview of the application process and information about the different jobs available.

Collecting business cards from anyone you speak to may also be useful. If you manage to strike up a conversation that you found particularly helpful or interesting you may wish to connect with that person on LinkedIn. 

Introduce yourself 

Remember, you’ll be meeting recruiters and other professionals who will be looking out for potential candidates. Being able to introduce yourself properly can help increase your chances of impressing the recruiter. Approach the recruiter confidently, smile, maintain eye contact and offer a handshake as you introduce yourself. 

Try to ensure you are alone when you speak to the recruiter. This allows you to have a proper conversation with them and shows them that you are seriously interested in learning about the company.

Example introductions:

“Hello, I’m Lisa and I am a final year accountancy student. I am very interested in applying for the graduate programme at your company. Could you tell me more about it please?”

“Hi, my name is Lewis, it’s great to meet you. I am a recent marketing graduate and I am interested in learning more about any upcoming opportunities within your company”

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