What to do if you don’t know how to answer a job interview question


Picture the scene. You are in the middle of a job interview that is going extremely well. You have built a great rapport with the interviewer and have answered their questions to the best of your ability. Then they ask you a question you simply do not know the answer to.

It may be that you don’t understand what the interviewer means or they ask you to describe a situation you have never experienced. Whatever the reason try not to become flustered. There are some tactics to help deal with the situation professionally.

So here is what to do if you don’t know how to answer a job interview question.

Don’t just say “I don’t know” 

Remember, the interviewer understands that you are nervous. They will understand if you need some time to think about your answer. However, merely saying “I don’t know” and leaving it at that is not the best way forward. 

Ask for clarification

It may be the case that you do not quite understand what the interviewer is asking you.

If you are unsure what the interviewer means it is perfectly ok to ask questions to better understand the question. Remember, to be polite and professional when asking them for clarification. For instance, you could say:

“I’m sorry I didn’t quite understand that last question”

“I’m sorry would you mind repeating the question?”

Asking for clarification will also give you more time to think of an answer.

Don’t make stuff up

It is perfectly normal to feel embarrassed if you are unsure how to answer an interview question. But whatever you do, do not make up an answer that is false. The interviewer will be able to tell if you are lying and this will not go in your favour.

More Like This: Questions to ask and not to ask the interviewer

Offer a different answer

If the interviewer asks you about a topic/issue/event you do not know a lot about, be honest and tell them you only have a limited understanding. However, be sure to tell them that you are interested in learning more and then tell them what you do know. By doing this you are showing the interviewer that you are committed and that you are making the effort to engage with the interview.

Another option is to offer a slightly different answer to the question. This could be useful if you are asked to describe a situation that you actually have not experienced. Here, you could explain how you would deal with the situation if it ever happened to you or instead describe a slightly different experience.

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