What NOT to include on your CV


Writing a CV is one of the most important parts of applying for a job. In fact, its usually the first opportunity the employer has to learn a bit about you. This is why it imperative that your CV is professional, well written and capable of demonstrating your skills and experience. Whilst you may be focusing on what to include, there are some things you should leave out.

Here is what not to include on your CV.

The title or heading “CV”. The employer knows they are reading your CV so need to waste the space.

Your age and date of birth. These are known as ‘protected characteristics’ which means they are irrelevant when applying for a job. It is illegal for employers to discriminate against you based on your age.

Spelling or grammar mistakes. Spelling or grammar mistakes will likely land your CV in the no pile.

Photographs. Unless the employer specifically asks for a photograph (which is unlikely) there is no need to include a photograph of yourself. The employer should be more interested in your experience and qualifications rather than your appearance.

Lies or exaggerations. Tempting as it may be, do not lie or exaggerate about anything on your CV. The chances are you will be caught out.

Salary information. Do not include details about your current salary or desired salary

Unnecessary information. Do not include information that is too personal or has nothing to do with your career or the job you are applying for.

Contact details for your references. References are not needed at this stage so don’t include any mention of your references unless you are told to include them. If the employer wants their details at a later stage they will let you know. Read more about job references here

Too much information about your hobbies. Mentioning some of your hobbies, especially those that relate to the job, can demonstrate your personality. However, do not include too much information and avoid anything inappropriate or not related to the job.

More like this: How to write an outstanding CV

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