Top Tips For Finishing and Submitting Your Dissertation


As you approach the final stages of your dissertation you may find yourself feeling nervous or even stressed. The important thing to remember is that most of the hard work is done. After all, most (or all) of your chapters are written, your research is completed and your data analysed. You are almost done and it is just a case of wrapping things up and making your final edits. 

Here are some tips for making the final touches on your dissertation. 

Complete it a few days before the deadline 

Aim to complete your dissertation a few days before the submission deadline. This gives you a few days to proofread it and redraft chapters where necessary. Ideally, you want to be able to take your time when redrafting sections as this is your chance to make improvements based on your supervisor’s feedback. 

Double-check your university submission guidelines 

Your university will have its own regulations and processes for submitting dissertations. Whilst you will likely have read these already there is no harm in reading over them again to ensure your dissertation meets the requirements. 

For instance, there may be rules about font size and style, structure and any additional documents you need to include.  

Some universities only require you to submit an electronic copy whilst others will ask you to submit both an electronic copy and a hard copy. If this is the case make sure you arrange to have your dissertation printed and bound in plenty of time (remember this could take a few days). Your university may offer a printing service often at good prices (a bonus of this is they will know the university requirements). If not there are plenty of companies who offer printing and binding services. 

Ask someone to proofread it 

Your supervisor may be allowed to review and provide feedback on one draft of your full dissertation. However, this depends on your university. If your supervisor is able to do this absolutely make the most of this opportunity. 

Another option is to ask a fellow student, friend, family member or someone else to proofread your dissertation. Why not team up with another student and proofread each other’s dissertations? This way you can help each other out. 

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Celebrate once you have submitted 

It is a great feeling once you have pressed the submit button and sent your dissertation off. You have worked hard preparing this important piece of work so be sure to celebrate afterwards. 

Unsure of what to do with your dissertation now that you have submitted it? Here are a few suggestions 

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