Making The Move To University


If you are moving away to university you will need to decide what you are going to take with you and how you are going to get it there. This guide will take you through some handy tips for deciding what you need to take to student accommodation, packing up your belongings and moving everything to your university.

For more advice about preparing for university have a look at our guide to starting university

Packing up your belongings 

It is a good idea to write a list of everything you would need to take with you when moving into student accommodation. The Uni website is likely to have some information about what is already provided and what you will need to take with you.

You may already have most of the things you will need but it is likely you will need to go shopping for some stuff. Lots of retailers offer university packs or university equipment bundles including IKEA, Marks and Spencers and John Lewis (other shops are available). 

Remember you can’t take your entire house to student halls. Consider the space you have available and think carefully about what you really need (and perhaps won’t need). 

Once you have everything you need the next step is to pack. Suitcases and boxes are ideal for moving your belongings. Be sure to keep some of the boxes for when you are moving back home. A good idea is to make a list (or even take photographs) of everything you take with you. When it comes to moving back home it will be much easier trying to track down everything you took with you.

Transporting your belongings to university 

Next, you need to decide how you are going to transport all of your stuff to university. Are you taking your own car? Are your parents going to give you a lift? Do you need to hire a van? If you know other students who are also moving into halls perhaps you could share lifts. This is a particularly good idea if you need to hire a van as you can then split the cost. Remember to allow plenty of time for your journey and for moving everything into your flat.

Unpacking your belongings 

When you arrive at your student accommodation the first thing you should do is unpack your belongings. If you are sharing a flat you will have your own bedroom where you can store most of your stuff. In the kitchen area, you may have your own cupboard for storing your cooking/kitchen utensils. 

The first thing you should do is make up your bed then unpack your clothes. Next, you could add some home comforts to personalise your space. Try to make your accommodation as comfortable as possible. However, please be respectful to your flatmates. Remember you all need to share the same living space.

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