10 ways to stay up to date with the news


Not everyone likes reading newspapers. In fact research shows that less and less people are getting their news by reading newspapers with most people now preferring to access the news digitally. 

It is a good idea to at least scan the day’s news headlines. You may be asked about this at school, university or college or you may find an article that could prove to be useful for an essay or project. Other people just like to know what is happening in the world around them.

Here are my top 10 ways of keeping up to date with both local and national news. 

  1. Download news apps to your phone. You can set up notifications meaning you can be alerted if there is an important news bulletin or news regarding a specific topic I.e politics, entertainment, technology etc.
  2. Follow news sites on social media. You will see the main headline and cover photo and it’s your choice if you click to see the full article.
  3. Listen to the radio on your smartphone. Radio stations will usually cover news highlights and include any local news in your area.
  4. Talk to people. Even chatting to others allows you to hear about news stories. 
  5. Subscribe to newsletters. Almost all newspapers will have weekly or even monthly newsletters that you can sign up to. These may cover general news headlines or focus on a particular topic such as business, travel, cookery or sports. 
  6. Follow journalists on social media. Journalists will post links to news articles they have written or may even appeal for information about an upcoming news story. 
  7. Join local community groups on social media. This is ideal if you want to keep up to date with local news stories. Just be careful to separate fact from gossip. 
  8. Watch current affairs television shows. Whilst this isn’t actually watching the news, there are some TV shows that will discuss current news stories such as talk shows, breakfast/daytime shows or topical panel shows. Some of these may make use of comedy or quizzes when discussing news items. 
  9. Read or subscribe to a blog. Many bloggers will write about topics currently in the news and may offer their own opinions on them. Dependent on the blog’s theme the news stories covered may be very topic specific. 
  10. View what topics are trending on social media. Topics that are trending are being presently talked about online. These usually relate to a current news story, a live event, a television show or even news concerning a celebrity.