10 things to do this summer


The summer holidays this year are going to be slightly different. Plans to go away on holiday, spend time with friends and family or go for day trips have sadly been cancelled (or at least put on hold) due to lockdown restrictions. 

So here are some ideas for things you can do this summer to keep yourself busy. 

Get outdoors 

Just because lockdown restrictions are still in place does not mean you are constantly confined to your house. Remember you are allowed to go for a walk, cycle or jog and meet up with up to two other households in an outdoor space as long as you socially distance. Why not go for a walk around your local area or visit friends/family in an outdoor space? Just remember to follow government guidance! 

Watch some new TV shows 

Ok, so I don’t recommend sitting in front of the TV all day. However, if you have a subscription to Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus etc why not see if there are any new TV shows you fancy watching? 

You can also sign up to ITV/STV Player, BBC iPlayer, All 4 and My 5 for free and catch up on recent TV shows. 

Help out around the house 

I’m sure your parents/guardians will have plenty of chores to be done over the summer so why not offer to lend a hand? You could wash the car, cut the grass, tidy your room, hoover, dust and polish, wash the windows, do some laundry or even help have a clear out of unwanted stuff. 

Take a free course with The Open University 

OpenLearn, part of The Open University, offers hundreds of free online courses in numerous subjects such as business, social sciences, technology, languages or science. Some of them can be completed in as little as 6 hours whilst others take up to 24 hours of learning. Not only are these entirely free to sign up to, but you will also receive a certificate once you have finished. These will look great on your CV or personal statement. 

Have a camping trip in your back garden

We may not be able to go on holiday this summer so why not set up a camping trip in your back garden? Pitch your tents, lay out your sleeping bags (or inflatable air mattress if you prefer) and sort out some snacks and drinks. You could even have a BBQ. 

If you have a chiminea or wood burner you could have a mini campfire. Toast some marshmallows, tell campfire stories or sing some songs. 

Learn a new skill or hobby

Now is a good time to begin learning a new skill or taking up a new hobby. Perhaps this is something you have always wanted to learn or something you did when you were younger that would like to start up again. The internet has made it easy to learn things at home through video tutorials, free online courses or online guides. For example, you could learn a new language, take up baking, develop your fitness skills or learn to play a musical instrument. 

Family Board Game Night

Why not have a weekly board game night and choose a different game to play each time? Perhaps the winner could get to choose the game for the following week. Examples of board games are Monopoly, Cluedo, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Chess, UNO, Draughts or Pictionary. 

Redesign your bedroom

Your bedroom is not just for sleeping in. It is also where you relax, study, work or even store your belongings. Design your room to reflect your own personality and style. 

Move some furniture around or even buy some new bits and pieces. If you can stand the mess you could also paint your room a different colour. Although you might want to ask your parent’s permission first. 

Host a ‘Come Dine With Me’ competition 

Like the TV show, each person in your house could take a turn at cooking dinner each night and organising some form of entertainment. Anonymously award each other points and once everyone has cooked, add up the points and see who the winner is. 

Have a virtual gathering of friends or family 

Although we can’t really meet up in person there is nothing to stop you meeting friends and family over the internet. You can use Zoom, Skype, Facebook video call or FaceTime etc to have a group video call. 

Here are some things you can do over video call: 

  • Host a quiz. Each household could form a team and nominate someone to be the quizmaster. Or perhaps have a weekly quiz and each household could take a turn of making up the questions. 
  • Watch a film/TV show. You could all watch the same programme in your own houses and chat about it over a video call. 
  • Karaoke. If you enjoy singing why not have a virtual karaoke session with friends/family? Each household could prepare a song to perform for everyone else. 
  • Have lunch/dinner. Each house could prepare their food and drink and have a virtual lunch/dinner party with other family members/friends. 
  • Play a game. There are loads of games you can play over a video call such as bingo, charades, Who am I? or Pictionary. 
  • Chat. Instead of thinking of an activity to do why not simply chat with each other? Have a catch-up, exchange stories or gossip, tell jokes or even reminisce about past memories/events.